Hosting TransIP domain with Lego Letsencrypt on Debian
I registered a new domain with (, part of my migration away from Gandi ( after they raised their prices ( to outrageous levels.
Live DNS ¶
First step: set up a script to update the domain records to my dynamic IP. TransIP supports ( a REST API ( to manage your products, so I only need a script to do this.
Scripts I found:
Anti choices for me:
- tipctl ( & transip-dyndns ( —> depends on PHP, not installed
- node-transip-dns-cli ( -> I don’t like npm, and why are they suggestion to run a simple script in a docker container?
- go-transip-dyndns ( —> binary too big, no audit, and why would you run a simple script in docker????
Letsencrypt certificate ¶
Since I sometimes get stuck with certbot (I find the tool somewhat opaque (, I was looking for an alternative and found lego. Here’s two almost ( identical guides ( that walk you through it.
- Get lego binary ( because Debian bullseye’s version does not ( work (
- Get TransIP API key (
- Prepare folder, I stored mine in
- Run for first time
TRANSIP_ACCOUNT_NAME="twerkhov" TRANSIP_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH="/etc/ssl/private/transipkey.pem" lego --accept-tos --email tim@changme.invalid --dns transip --domains yourdomain.tld.invalid --path=/etc/ssl/lego run
- Add your user to sudoers ( to allow reloading nginx without needing root:
%tim ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/service nginx reload
- Set up cron job
30 01 01 * * TRANSIP_ACCOUNT_NAME="twerkhov" TRANSIP_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH="/etc/ssl/private/transipkey.pem" lego --accept-tos --email tim@changme.invalid --dns transip --domains yourdomain.tld.invalid --path=/etc/ssl/lego renew && sudo service nginx reload
- Update nginx virtualhost config
Certbot ¶
Alternatively, there’s a few certbot plugins that I could have used instead:
- hsmades certbot-dns-transip ( –> why would you run a simple script in docker???? And how do I use it without docker?!?!?
- certbot-transip-dns-01-validator ( –> depends on php / composer, don’t want a heavy dependency for just 1 script
- Fransiks certbot-dns-transip ( –> depends on php / composer, don’t want a heavy dependency for just 1 script
- certbot-dns-transip-simple ( –> maybe this could work
- Jens certbot-dns-transip ( –> looks perfect but not maintained
#Debian #Dyndns #Gandi #Linux #Networking #Security #Server #Transip #Letsencrypt