Tim's blah blah blah

Flash problems to ESP8266 boards

Note to self: sometimes I cannot write to ESP8266 boards. The solution appeared to be to disconnect serial devices first (e.g. MH-Z19B), then flash


Diagnosing ESP8266 boards

To see what the board is doing, connect to USB, then run screen on the tty:

screen /dev/tty.usbserial-1420 {74880,115200}    

Or use Arduino Serial logger (adafruit.com). Use baud 74880 for boot loader, 115200 for programs running on the board (in my case). This gave me:

21:32:09.624 -> OSError: [Errno 2] ENOENT
21:32:09.624 -> 
21:32:09.624 -> MicroPython v1.9.4-8-ga9a3caad0 on 2018-05-11; ESP module with ESP8266
21:32:09.624 -> Type "help()" for more information.
21:32:09.624 -> >>> 

Once I found the board was running Micropython (i.e. ruling out HW problem), I found that I could connect but not write to the Micropython prompt.


In my case the problem appeared to be that a sensor using the serial port blocked my input to the serial port for uploading. Disconnecting the sensor worked. HTH.
