- VyOS from scratch with VLANs and Zone Based Firewall
- Reshaping (Home Assistant) data to Influxdb Line Protocol
- Homelab Proxmox + Debian + VyOS upgrade migration
- Migrating Home Assistant from Docker to Proxmox virtual machine
- Hosting TransIP domain with Lego Letsencrypt on Debian
- Download Kidsconnect Konnect ouderportaal photos by date
- Analyzing our electricity use - dynamic contract or not?
- Using logrotate to organize backups
- Migrate data from Home Assistant SQLite to InfluxDB
- Fixing Home Assistant energy dashboard data glitches
- Optimizing Itho HRU 350 control via MQTT and Home Assistant
- Setting up Letsencrypt certbot for Gandi
- Input lag on Dell U3224KBA 6K monitor on Windows & macOS
- Reduce Home Assistant database size
- Find large files Linux/macOS
- SSH Connection Reset - Missing Privilege Separation Directory
- Migrating e-mail from Gandi to Soverin new provider
- 'Advanced Tracking and Fingerprinting Protection' Leaks DNS Queries to Apple
- Advanced InfluxDB queries for Grafana visualizations
- Nibe Heatpump Home Automation - WIP
- DNS-based adblocking on VyOS 1.4 & 1.5
- Fixing InfluxDB data in place using INTEGRAL()
- How to migrate Tweakers Tweakblog content to Hugo
- Homelab Proxmox + VyOS + Debian setup from scratch
- Facetime doesn't work on WiFi but on cellular, other iPhones not affeced.
- My home network configuration - EdgeRouter X version
- My photography & image processing workflow
- 🎼 Hearmony: DIY Children's Music Player built on ESP8266
- Responsive images & image grids for Hugo
- Calibrating esp8266 temperature sensors
- Migrate Telfort to KPN fiber internet
- Self Hosted Photo Albums with pigallery2
- Cloudless Shelly Smart Plug
- Plugwise Circle Stick on Linux
- Particulates kill, build your sensor now!
- Cloudless Xiaomi Smart Plug
- DIY Jaga Dynamic Boost Hybrid (DBE/DBH)
- Hardware accelerated FFmpeg encoding on Intel/Ubuntu 20.04
- Passwordless secure rsync backups over ssh
- Dyndns at Gandi using Livedns
- Timemachine to Linux Server
- Self Hosted Photo Albums With Piwigo
- Setting up Nextcloud behind https nginx proxy
- Setting Up Hugo
- Measuring CO2/Temp/RH/Pressure with ESP8266 version 2
- Reading out Kamstrup Multical 402/403 with home-built optical head
- Coupling my fiber internet directly into my router
- My home network configuration - RouterOS version
- Saving 2.0GJ/yr heating by upgrading heat exchanger
- Backing up e-mail with OfflineIMAP
- Securely wiping SSDs
- ESP8266 sensing CO2 + Temp + RH + Pressure
- Flash problems to ESP8266 boards
- Infrared remote control hell with an Intel NUC, Logitech Harmony, lirc, ir-keymap and Kodi
- Automated full-disk backup on Linux/Ubuntu
- Tunnel Apple AirPlay/Bonjour across zones in OpenWRT Firewall
- Upgrading Macbook SSD with Sintech m.2 adapters
- Measuring calibrated Hue energy usage via bridge
- InfluxDB retention policy and data downsampling
- How many houses are not sold publicly/funda?
- Improving wifi roaming without mesh routers
- VLAN tagging on OpenWRT/managed switches
- Crimping network cables
- DNS-based AdBlock on OpenWRT
- On-demand iOS VPN using Configuration Profiles
- Speeding up an nginx webserver
- Setting up an A+-grade nginx SSL server
- StrongSwan IKEv2 VPN on Raspberry pi
- Measuring CO2 using MH-Z19B and D1 mini pro
- Getting started with LOLIN D1 mini/DHT22 on Mac
- Connecting sensors to Rpi (2/3)
- Installing domoticz on raspberry pi (1/3)
- Smarthome data logging with RPi/domoticz/influxdb/grafana